Friday, September 9, 2011

Can collecting

It's a good thing that I went to the interview yesterday. If I do end up getting the position, I'll only be working part time at the beginning. From what I've been told I'll be earning just under $15 an hour.

Even if I do get the job, I'll still continue collecting empty beer cans and bottles till I get something that's full time. This morning I stopped by the bank to see if I could get any empty rolls. I was fortunate to get enough rolls to add up to $75.50. Once I use up all of them, I'll go to the bank again to exchange the rolls for bills and to get some more empty rolls.

Soon I'll be going to the beer store to get a refund on the epmty beer cans and bottles. I've got at least $1.20, if not more, in empty cans/bottles. I'm hoping that along the way to the beer store I'll be able to find another can or two.

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